AdminBSB – Sensitive Bootstrap Based Responsive Admin Theme

Original price was: $21.00.Current price is: $10.50.

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Introduction AdminBSB Sensitive is a fully responsive premium admin template It was developed with Bootstrap 3 x Framework Html5 Css3 jQuery and Media query of powers It can be used for all type of web applications like email app todo list app admin dashboard application backend CMS CRM etc We release continuous long term updates and many new features will be coming soon in the near future updates Once you purchased AdminBSB Sensitive you will be entitled to free download of all updates Package Contents Static Html Files Documentation Royalty Free Images Scss Files Gruntfile Gulpfile Bower Features Fully Responsive Desktops Tablets Mobile Devices Built with Bootstrap 3 3 7 Boxed View Fluid View HTML5 CSS3 Animations CSS3 Loading 120 Pages 5 Themes 5 Dashboards Draggable Panels Switch Fullscreen Panels Collapsable and Closable Panels Responsive Video Right Sidebar Metrics Analytic View Weather Station Mailbox Outlook View Font Awesome Icons Google Material Design Icons Skycons Weather Icons Sortable Nestable Items Notifications IOS Switch Buttons Color Pickers Dropzone File Upload Autocomplete Masked Inputs Multiselect List Tags Input Range Slider Form Wizard 3 Different Text Editors Markdown Editor Filterable Sortable Exportable and Editable Tables Carousel Also Touch Device Supported Grid Masonry Image Comparison Slider Lightbox Image Gallery 8 Different Charts Library Sign In Sign Up Forgot Password Blank Page Locked Screen Maintenance Search Result Invoice Printable-Ready Invoice Timeline 403 404 500 Error Pages Google Maps Yandex Maps jVector Maps Contact List Detail and Grid Agile Board Bootstrap Tour Calendar Chat Dashboard Code Editor FAQ Page Favicon Bubble File Manager i18n Multi-Language Support Idle Timer Password Strength Meter Profile Text Difference ToDo List TreeView Blog List and Detail E-Commerce Cart Orders Payment Pricing Table Product List Grid and Detail Product Edit Credit Card Form And many more What s Coming In Future Updates Long Term AngularJS Version MVC 6 Project Net Core 1 2 Project RTL Support Landing Page And many more Credits Bootstrap Bootstrap is the most popular HTML CSS and JS framework for developing responsive mobile first projects on the web jQuery jQuery is a fast small and feature-rich JavaScript library jquery-countTo A jQuery plugin that will count up or down to a target number at a specified speed waitMe jQuery plugin for easy creating loading css3 images animations Animate css Just-add-water CSS animations toastr Simple javascript toast notifications Font Awesome The iconic font and CSS toolkit Google Material Design Icons The iconic font and CSS toolkit from Google skycons Skycons is a set of ten animated weather glyphs Nestable Drag drop hierarchical list with mouse and touch compatibility Bootstrap Colorpicker Fancy and customizable colorpicker plugin for Twitter Bootstrap DropzoneJS DropzoneJS is an open source library that provides drag n drop file uploads with image previews Inputmask Input Mask plugin multi-select A user-friendlier drop-in replacement for the standard select with multiple attribute activated jquery spinner A Number-Spinner based-on jQuery Support keyboard operations and continuous changing bootstrap-tagsinput jQuery tags input plugin based on Twitter Bootstrap bootstrap-select Bootstrap-select is a jQuery plugin that utilizes Bootstrap s dropdown js to style and bring additional functionality to standard select elements noUiSlider JavaScript range slider jQuery Validation jQuery plugin makes simple clientside form validation easy jquery-steps A powerful jQuery wizard plugin that supports accessibility and HTML5 CKEditor Text editor TinyMCE Text editor summernote Text editor Autosize A small stand-alone script to automatically adjust textarea height Moment js Parse validate manipulate and display dates in JavaScript Select2 The jQuery replacement for select boxes Chosen Chosen is a jQuery plugin that makes long unwieldy select boxes much more user-friendly Date Range Picker A JavaScript component for choosing date ranges wNumb js JavaScript Number Money formatting ion rangeSlider jQuery only range slider cropit A customizable crop and zoom jQuery plugin Switchery iOS 7 style switches for your checkboxes iCheck Customized checkboxes and radio buttons for jQuery DataTables Advanced interaction controls in any HTML table editable-table Tiny jQuery Bootstrap widget that makes a HTML table editable FooTable A responsive table plugin built on jQuery and made for Bootstrap Lightbox The original lightbox script slickCarousel Custom carousel feature Masonry Cascading grid layout library cocoen Touch-enabled before after slider with requestAnimationFrame OwlCarousel2 jQuery responsive carousel morris js Pretty time-series line graphs Flot Flot is a pure JavaScript plotting library for jQuery Chart js Simple HTML5 Charts using the canvas tag jQuery Sparklines This jQuery plugin generates sparklines small inline charts directly in the browser using data supplied either inline in the HTML or via javascript jQuery-Knob Downward compatible touchable jQuery dial Peity Peity is a jQuery plugin that converts an element s content into a svg mini pie donut line or bar chart and is compatible with any browser that supports rickshaw JavaScript toolkit for creating interactive real-time graphs C3 js D3-based reusable chart library Google Maps Map view from Google gmaps js Google maps api with less pain and more fun YandexMap Map view from Yandex jVectorMap Javascript pluggin for vector maps Bootstrap Tour The easiest way to show people how to use your website FullCalendar A JavaScript event calendar SyntaxHighlighter SyntaxHighlighter is a fully functional self-contained code syntax highlighter developed in JavaScript tinycon A small library for manipulating the favicon i18next i18next is a very popular internationalization library for browser or any other javascript environment eg node js jquery-idletimer Provides you a way to monitor user activity with a page zxcvbn Low-Budget password strength estimation jQuery PrettyTextDiff A wrapper around Google s diff_match_patch library to make life easy jQueryUI Set of user interface built on top of the jQuery jsTree jsTree is jquery plugin that provides interactive trees pace Automatic page load progress bar screenfull js Simple wrapper for cross-browser usage of the JavaScript Fullscreen API metismenu A jQuery menu plugin jQuery slimScroll slimScroll is a small 4 6KB jQuery plugin that transforms any div into a scrollable area with a nice scrollbar Unsplash Free do whatever you want high-resolution photos