Workflow Rules and Automation Module for Perfex

Original price was: $39.00.Current price is: $19.50.

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Note This is not a standalone application This is a plugin for Perfex CRM You have to install the Perfex Powerful Open Source CRM to use this plugin Are you wondering how you can Empower your team to deliver the best work You can now Automate repetitive Actions in your Workflow using Workflow Automation Module As Tasks transition from one Section of your Kanban board to Another you most times want to perform some tasks such as Assigning Task in Testing Section to Tester or append a Comment to the task or change Task Priority This can become a daunting task when you have to do this same Action on 50s 100s of Tasks This is why we have build this module to empowers you and your team to go beyond traditional task management putting the power of intelligent automation at your fingertips You can Create Unlimited Rules and Actions for Any Section in your Workflow Features Create custom Workflow Automation Rules Create process that run themselves with automated actions on Task as they move from one section to another Because you can create Unlimited Rules for a SECTION You can Control what actions are triggered and in what order sequence Keep working going performs unlimited instant actions on tasks at the same time such as Task Assignment Comments with User Reminder Checklist Item Priority Mark as Complete and lots more Stay Organized and Increase efficiency Configure Rule Automate Action Create a set of rules that trigger automatically as tasks transition between sections Not Yet Started In Progress Awaiting Feed back Testing Complete or any custom you have Design your rules according to your business needs e g as when task moves to Testing Assign to a Tester or attach a comment or do both Create processes that run themselves Move Faster and Experience a surge in productivity as routine tasks are automated Installation Included Documentation will help you upload and activate the module inside Perfex CRM DEMO DEMO Admin Username testadmin gmail com Password password 1234 Support Please send an email from Support page for any issues questions or suggestions To save time and get quick feedback please don t ask for support in comments section VERSION HISTORY Version 1 0 1 1st February 2024 Improvement Updates NEW ADDED – Display Automated Action Value FIXED – Comment length Now Unlimited IMPROVED – Reminder dates