WordPress WooCommerce Marketplace Auction Plugin

Original price was: $69.00.Current price is: $34.50.

Why should buy from us

  • 100% Legit and Clean Code : Receive fully legitimate and clean code directly from the original source, ensuring reliability and security for your projects.
  • Instant Payments via Crypto : Enjoy seamless, instant transactions using cryptocurrency, eliminating delays and providing a secure payment experience.
  • Global Accessibility : Accept payments from customers worldwide without the hassle of currency conversion or international transaction fees.
  • Secure and Transparent Transactions : Benefit from the security and transparency of blockchain technology, protecting your transactions from fraud and ensuring trust.
  • High-Quality Scripts : Get high-quality, well-documented scripts tailored to your needs, backed by direct support from the original developers.

More Information

  • Code Delivered in 24 Hours : Receive your code within 24 hours, directly from the original store.
  • 100% Authentic Code : Get 100% genuine code sourced directly from ThemeForest.net and CodeCanyon.net.
  • Affordable Pricing : Our prices are competitive because the code is shared by individuals who purchase directly from the original marketplaces.
  • Chat or Email for Details : Contact us via chat or email for more information and to learn how we ensure quality and authenticity.


WordPress WooCommerce Marketplace Auction WordPress WooCommerce Marketplace Auction plugin will enable the auction feature in the marketplace Using this sellers and the admin can add auctions in their products and the buyer can bid on their products By using this plugin the admin and the sellers can add four types of auctions standard incremental automatic and reserve auction Note WordPress WooCommerce Marketplace Auction module is an add-on of the WordPress WooCommerce Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin Therefore you must have installed the WordPress WooCommerce Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin in the first place It will work for Simple Variable and Virtual product type only Check how to activate your WooCommerce plugin through the purchase code Video Preview Why WooCommerce Marketplace Seller Auction Support Dear Customers if you have a question query please raise a ticket at webkul uvdesk com We will do our best to answer as quickly as it is possible Don t give us a low rate without contacting support on the issue you ve faced with We are always happy to help you Features of WooCommerce Marketplace Seller Auction The seller and admin can add standard incremental automatic and reserve auctions The customer can place the standard bid as well as an automatic bid Email for every outbid customer when a new bid is placed All types of action can be applied to a single product The admin has the option to show the current bid The admin has the option to show all the bidders and their prices The admin has the option to show the bidder s name bid and details under automatic bidding The admin customers can see the auction bid list and automatic auction bid list The admin can see the winner s name for the auction Seller can perform Bulk action Compatibility with WooCommerce HPOS feature Highlighted Features 1- Create Auctions The admin and sellers can create standard incremental automatic and reverse auctions on products 2- Place Auction Bids The customers can place standard or automatic bids on an auction product 3- View Bidders And Prices The admin can display bidders and their bidding prices on the product and admin list 4- Check Auction Winner The admin can view the name of the winner who has won the bid 5- Enable Email Notification The admin can enable email options for outbid buyers winners admins and sellers 6- Bulk Options The seller and admin can perform bulk action to delete the bid from their auction list Business Use Auctions create a sense of urgency and competition encouraging visitors to participate in the bidding process actively Auctions can drive up the prices of products as buyers compete for the items they desire The excitement of bidding and winning can create a positive customer experience enhancing their loyalty Regular auctions can keep customers coming back to your site Auctions can foster a community around your marketplace with sellers and buyers interacting through bids comments and feedback Building a community can strengthen your brand and increase user trust Success Story ChangeLog Initial release v 1 0 0 Current release v 2 3 0 v 2 3 0 Added Created an Auction Products page upon plugin activation and showed only active auction products with a timer remaining for bidding on each product Added Bulk action on the seller side Added Marketplace seller action module into the marketplace menu Added Compatibility with WooCommerce HPOS feature Added Notice for non-compatibility with WooCommerce Cart and Checkout Blocks Fixed Product selection issue from seller side and search option added in product selection Fixed Fixed users placing bids after the bid expiry time Fixed Fixed timezone issue Fixed UI Issues Fixed Updated readme and pot files Updated Code according to WordPress and WooCommerce coding standards v 2 2 0 Fixed Fixed Phpcs Issues Added Added translations Fixed Fixed Errors v 2 1 2 Added Added translations Fixed Fixed security issues v 2 1 1 Fixed Fixed the handling of the auction Added Added proper representation of data in auction table Added Fixed showing notices on the product page Added Added validations Fixed showing other sellers products while creating an auction Fixed Fixed bid and product price issue v 2 1 0 Fixed Fixed notice on add auction page Fixed Added check for date format in add auction and bid process script v 2 0 0 Update Updated as per WooCommerce 3 2 x Update Updated to make it compatible with the latest Marketplace v 1 1 0 Fixed Removed form resubmission for bid placement to update price instantly v 1 0 0 Initial release