WordPress Post Table

Original price was: $16.00.Current price is: $8.00.

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WordPress Post Table offers to display all posts or specific post as table in a searchable sortable table view by Shortcode Fully responsive and mobile friendly Features Table with selected post Post_Include feature added Able to set specific post in table with custom order Easily Category list order customizable Advance Searchbox s category taxonomy order is customizable Table Design Customizer Customize your Table s design by our Table Design Customizer Number Pagination Page Number pagination Available for all type Even able to disable for any specific table Ajax Pagination We have Strong and smooth pagination available No need page load for pagination It s Ajax Keep saved table data All table will manage from post table custom_post_type so no need to edit shortcode Tiny Shortcode Table will manage based on ID so shortcode to tiny Post Attributes In inliidual column you are able to display all Atrributes of your inliidual post WordPress Post as Table With WordPress Post Table you can show all your posts or specific posts in a table Fully Mobile Responsive WordPress Post Table comes with a responsive design that is compatible with mobile any display resolutions You can add or remove columns as you want for mobile users Select your column with Checkbox To Make Your Table You can choose what to show in your table To choose an info like Post Name Categories just tick the checkbox or keep untick otherwise Drag and drop feature to arrange tables column position By this feature tables column position can easily be set as you need and you can do it for inliidual table All Message customizable You may need to change pop-up messages In this plugin all messages are customizable Instant Search With this option you can search instantly with any keyword including category tag etc Advance Query Search Box Above the table you may add this feature to search any inliidual post within your website Page load for pagination Page load options available below the table that enables to load more posts in the table Mini Filter Right above the table there is a mini filter available to filter the posts via category tag that have already loaded in the table Compatible with WCK The custom fileds and categories creatd by WCK works perfectly with WPT pro plugin Custom Taxonomy Support as column in Table This plugin supports custom taxonomy that assigns post as column in a table Custom Fields Support as column in Table Enabling WCK plugin custom fields can be added that are shown in table as a row Thumbs image LightBox Thumbs image lightbox is already added in this plugin So you needn t additional plugin to add the feature Mini-filter taxonomy Sorting There is a mini-filter available above the table that can filter your posts assigns with taxonomy sorting Advance Searchbox taxonomy Sorting Like mini-filter taxonomy sorting you can offer this in your advanced searchbox When enable your posts will assign as taxonomy order Able to Add Remove Post link from Table You may want to show the post link to the visitors or hide this Both is possible in WordPress Posts Table Just enable disable the post link upon your demand from the configure option Able to Add Remove Post category tag s link from Table You can add post category tag s link or remove it in the table as you want Customizable Each Table Differently Through shortcode generator you may customize each tabe or specific table differently Thumbs image LightBox Thumbs image lightbox is already added in this plugin So you needn t additional plugin to add the feature Table Headers Are Customizable All the table headers in the table can be edited needs no coding Just input the prefered text in shortcode generator panel Best Customer Support If you face any problem don t hesitate to connect at our support We are here to help you FAQ Can I customize my table s design Ans Yes You able to customized your table design Is my table s configuration is saved for use future Ans Yes Each table s configuration is saved as Table ID You can edit any Table from the Table ID where your pre used table configuration remain same as before Is there any way where I can duplicate or copy an existing Post_Table s shortcode Ans Yes You can use any Post Duplicator plugin Don t worry about temporay_number of table s Our plugin will automatically generate new one How does WordPress Post Table work Ans The plugin lets you add post tables to any page post or widget by Shortcode To create a WordPress table view simply choose the options for your post tables on the settings page Dashboard Post Table Add New and Publish the Shortcode You will get a table ID Copy and paste that table id to your desired Page Post You can always contact us for expert advice on advance uses of WordPress Post Table Can I choose which posts are displayed Ans Yes there are lot of options to choose which posts are included or excluded in the table Select posts by categor sort etc Can I customize the column headings Ans Yes you can customize heading of all the columns in the table Also you can hide the table header if you want Will it work with my theme Ans We have tested WordPress Post Table with a range of free and premium themes and are confident that it will work perfectly with your theme Which version of WordPress is supported Ans WordPress Post Table is fully tested with the latest version of WordPress We always recommend running the most up-to-date version of WordPress but this plugin supports older installations Is there any Video Tutorial Ans Yes there are few Youtube Video Tutorial available Video link for WordPress Post Table using and configuring I want to show different post table in different pages based on different categories Any way Ans Yes Definitely there is a way You can show your posts in the table according to your selected categories For doing this go to Dashboard- Post Table- Shortcode Generator and click on the Basics tab You will find there a field Category Includes Just click on that field and select your category which you want show and finally generate the shortcode How to set a custom class name in the table so that I can apply custom design on the post table Ans Yes You can set a class name for the table For this Go to shortcode generator Dashboard- Post Table- Shortcode Generator Click on the Basics tab and find a field named Set a Class name for Table Set your desired class name in the field That s it How to install the update Ans You can easily update our plugin First you ve to deactive old version Then delete it Now reinstall again our latest version plugin and active it Is it possible to add some custom fields in the post table Ans Yes it s You just add the custom field slug inside the shortcode with prefix of cf_ For example If your custom slug is color then the shortcode will be just like this column_keyword cf_color thumbnails post_title column_title Color Thumbnails Post Title Thus you can add custom field into your post table Is it possible to change Mini Cart s position of WPT Pro or can I hide it Ans Yes position can be changed Also you can hide if you want When you generate a shortcode you will get a drop-down option named Mini Cart Position from shortcode generator s Basics Tab There are three options named Top Bottom or none Select anyone from here Is WordPress Post Table plugin mobile friendly Is it responsive Ans Yes It s 100 responsive Even you can disable the responsive option if you want How to change the column of table Ans Go to Dashboard and click on post table Then in the shortcode generator section select column tab Here will be a shortcode panel of different column You can edit it here There are many message shown in the table from where can i change it Ans Yes it s You can change all types of messages from plugin s configure page Note The table s message i mean the options we will change in configure page is global So it will works for all table All table will look alike Post table is working automatically responsive any way to disable it Ans Yes there is Go to Mobile Issue tab in Shortcode Genarator You will get a dropdown named Mobile Responsive You can Enable Disable it by Yes No Is there a way by which i won t make my table responsive instead i will hide some column for mobile devices Ans Yes it has Go to Mobile Issue tab from shortcode generator here you will get a drop-down called Mobile Responsive Select No Responsive from Yes No Responsive Then check from Hide on Mobile option which column you want to hide on mobile Next generate shortcode You can edit shortcode if you want Use mobile_hide here column_keywords with coma I don t want to show thumb image in the table What to do in that case Ans Very easily just avoid adding Thumbnails column I mean when you choose column to generate shortcode choose your necessary column instead Thumbnails column and generate shortcode That s it How to disable the link of Categories and Tag Ans Navigate to Dashboard Post Table Configure Then select Yes from Disable Categories and Tags Link option How to set a custom class name in the table so that I can apply custom design on the post table Ans You can set a class name for the table For this go to shortcode generator Dashboard Post Table Shortcode Generator Click on the Basics tab and find a field named Set a Class name for Table Set your desired class name in the field Use mobile_hide here column_keywords with coma otherwise That s it Is Thumbnails image re-sizable Ans Yes you re able to customize thumbs image for your post s table Go to Configure page of our plugin Dashboard- Post Table- Configure Over there you will find a input box called Thumbs Image Size Set your image size s dimension Remember here supports only int numeric number So don t insert px or inc etc Only number For example if you input 100 then image size will be 100px x 100px