8 Fast Paced Unity Games Bundle

Original price was: $69.00.Current price is: $34.50.

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This bundle contains 8 fast pacded Unity games All these games are compatible for android iOS WebGL PC and many other platforms Color Cube Shift The Shape Endless Maze Stupid Arrow Level Rotator Endless Tunnel Through The Hoop Dunk All these games are ready for release on play store app store or any other store You can reskin them and put ads in no time 1 Color Cube Test it here WebGl https e-ugovor rs color_cube Or download test apk and test it on your android device https www dropbox com s a3uqow96zxt1yj5 colorCubeTest apk dl 1 Tap on the cube to change its color to match the approaching cubes Matching the color of the approaching cube will allow you to pass through the cube You need to match colors of all 9 cubes in order to pass Every time you pass through the block you will get 1 score Very easy to implement rewarded ads when cube crashes so player can continue playing after rewarded ad finishes If you want to use unity ads just open UnityAdsExample script from folder Scripts uncomment all code and put your game id in gameId variable And that s it If you want to use other ad network just call GameObject Find Canvas GetComponent MenuSelect GameContinue when on ad finish event is called You could also monetize game using top banner In case you want to implement google play games or apple game center leaderboard just call Social ReportScore PlayerPrefs GetInt bestScore YOUR LEADERBOARD ID bool success to upload best score into leaderboard Game is endless so main goal is to try to score as much as you can and to have fun 2 Shift The Shape Test it here WebGL https e-ugovor rs shift_the_shape Or download test apk and test it on your android device https www dropbox com s 1w0ylu8cxbyooje shift 20the 20shape 20test apk dl 1 Shift the square up and down to change its form so it can fit through the obstacles Features – Endless gameplay – Very easy to implement unity rewarded ads just uncomment code from UnityAdsExample script and put your game id If you want to use other ad network just call GameObject Find Canvas GetComponent MenuSelect GameContinue when on ad finish event is called – Easy to implement google play games or apple game center leaderboard Just call Social ReportScore PlayerPrefs GetInt bestScore YOUR LEADERBOARD ID bool success to upload the best score to the leaderboard 3 Endless Maze Test it here WebGl https e-ugovor rs endless_maze Or download test apk and test it on your android device https www dropbox com s hcnhxxh1p880hpq Endless 20Maze apk dl 1 Touch the screen to speed up players movement and release the touch to slow it down Pass through as many obstacles as you can If you pass through multiple obstacles without releasing the touch you will get combo bonus 4 Stupid Arrow Test it here WebGl https e-ugovor rs stupid_arrow Android APK https www dropbox com s rg1tq3ickerz6sy stupid 20arrow 20test apk dl 1 Jump from circle to circle avoiding black areas Game is endless and only goal is to score as much as you can As it progress it becomes harder and harder 5 Level Rotator Test it here https e-ugovor rs level_rotator Or download test apk and test it on your android device https www dropbox com s 1k0lj9dhqlrotw8 level 20rotator 20test apk dl 1 Drag finger left and right to rotate the level and to avoid obstacles As it progress it becomes harder and harder Try to complete all 28 levels 6 Endless Tunnel Test it here WebGL https e-ugovor rs endless_tunnel Or download apk and test it on your android device https www dropbox com s 3s4bj8vutvf8h9m endless 20tunnel apk dl 1 Drag the finger left and right to rotate the tunnel and to avoid obstacles As it progress it becomes harder and harder 7 Through The Hoop Test it here WebGL https e-ugovor rs through_the_hoop Or download test apk and test it on your android device https www dropbox com s gmlrgk597hibfhf Through 20The 20Hoop apk dl 1 AdMob ads are integrated all you need to do is to put your banner interstitial and rewarded ad ids into Ads cs script you can find your ad ids in your AdMob console Jump through the hoops without hitting the obstacles Jump in through from above to get 1 point jump in through from below to get 2 points Game is endless and as it progress it becomes harder and harder Your main goal is to score as much as you can Also don t forget to collect the stars to unlock cool characters 8 Dunk Test it here https e-ugovor rs dunk Or download apk file and test it on your android device https www dropbox com s q5izfzcqu7j699x dunk apk dl 1 This is complete project ready for release AdMob ads banner and interstitial are integrated in this project All you need to do Go to assets google mobile ads settings and put your app id there you can find your app id in AdMob console Open Ads cs script and put your ad ids there Jump through the hoops without hitting the obstacles You need to jump through the hoop from above if you try to jump through from below you will lose the game Each time you dunk without touching the hoop you will get swish bonus Game is endless and as it progress it becomes harder and harder Your main goal is to score as much as you can