ZoomSounds – Neat HTML5 Audio Player with Waveform and Playlist
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Audio Player Intro Want a nifty cutting-edge retina-ready responsive html5 audio player for your site ZoomSounds is the perfect candidate With three skins to fit every brand only one format required to function ZoomSounds WordPress Version Audio Player Features HTML5 technology – this gallery uses the latest html5 tehniques to deliver a never seen before experience to your clients fully responsive looks great from mobile to HD flash backup ie7 and ie8 do not support html5 but those users are not forgetten the sounds will play for them too via the flash player one mandatory format the hard part is done by the player script in order for the user to have easy experience editing only mp3 is required touch optimized touch devices are not forgotten five skins for every need three skins three full skins to fit every brand CSS3 technology – this player uses cutting-edge css3 definitions easy install purchase download the zip read the docs iPhone iPad optimized this gallery has been optimized for Apple touch devices Android optimized this component has been tested on Android 4 0 and works awesome developer SASS powered this component s CSS has been built on top of SASS which means SASS users will have an easy time modifying the skins For non-SASS users it s no problem either because CSS files generated by SASS are provided plays from SoundCloud streams SoundCloud audio with an API key 100 css skinable want to make slight modifications to the skins The skins are 100 built from the css and it is very easy to edit with css knowledge SEO friendly built with search engine optimization on mind from the ground up the Testimonial Rotator uses non hidden valid html markup to build the widget compatible with all major browsers including IE compatible from IE7 to IE10 Chrome Safari and Firefox Mobile Optimized Smooth on mobiles too because of hardware acceleration Android 4 4 Chrome and iOS testedto deliver super smooth experience Watch Video Audio Player Updates If you have updated html files and have your own project you only need to update audioplayer audioplayer css and audioplayer audioplayer js and maybe publisher php for the update to apply UPDATE 4 26 02 20 2018 FIX publisher php not saving waveforms UPDATE 4 25 02 16 2018 FIX some bugs UPDATE 4 24 01 21 2018 FIX some bugs UPDATE 2 73 11 07 2017 FIX some bugs FIX some youtube bugs with play resolved UPDATE 2 72 10 16 2017 TWEAK redesigned skin-minimal TWEAK reworked some calculation of current time total time ADD gapless play feature play songs in a playlist without interruption the track that is supposed to come next will preload 10 seconds previous to it s turn so it can start right away UPDATE 2 71 09 27 2016 TWEAK redesigned most buttons TWEAK updated preview UPDATE 2 70 07 21 2016 ADD new wave visualization method skinwave_wave_mode canvas UPDATE 2 67 07 09 2016 TWEAK now playing selecting other tracks from the gallery keeps the current playing track volume UPDATE 2 65 05 19 2016 TWEAK updated preview ADD index-sticktobottom-3 html grid 3 example UPDATE 2 64 05 19 2016 FIX google analytics for play event now works with the newest version of analytics js ADD index-analytics html example on how to use analytics for play event UPDATE 2 63 05 11 2016 FIX bugs UPDATE 2 62 04 07 2016 ADD example on how to play private soundcloud track via api ADD load metadata event FIX not playing on mobile devices streaming from network data UPDATE 2 01 09 07 2015 FIX various fixes UPDATE 2 00 01 20 2015 ADD added skin-aria ADD added enable_easing option on the menu movement ADD added google analytics event for play ADD option for changing the song in a player API call ADD gallery skin skin-default or skin-wave TWEAK changed skin wave mode slick layout from absolute to relative UPDATE 1 62 07 03 2014 FIX autoplayNext forced autoplay to on UPDATE 1 50 04 02 2014 ADD skin-pro TWEAK updated preview FIX some bugs in Safari UPDATE 1 40 01 15 2014 ADD now comments can appear when the scrub head is over it ADD skin-justthumbandbutton ADD new stick to bottom mode ADD new slick mode for skin-wave TWEAK updated preview FIX some bugs UPDATE 1 10 06 06 2013 add all new flash generator for the waveforms the old html5 had some compatibility issues fix compatibility issues Audio Player Extra Features Fully Customizable You can disable scrubbar volume controls fullscreen controls thumbnail and more You can customize all colors via CSS The player on the left uses the second skin of the player The first skin being the sound wave skin at the top Retina Ready Each skin is fully responsive and retina-ready Wow The player itself has been tested on all major browsers Firefox Chrome Opera Safari IE7-10 And optimized for the iOS and Android mobile platforms Minimal Player Sometimes more is less and this player has every scenario covered This in the right is the representation of the third skin of the player a minimal implementation which even has scrub controls if you click on the margins Only One Format Todays html5 audio players require the world in different audio formats But not this one Only mp3 is required and ogg is optional Smart You can place as many players on a page as you wish If another player is playing and you click on a different one the other player will stop playing just try in here Multiple Sources Self hosted audios are not your only option You can also play streams from SoundCloud or even Shoutcast radio stations for Shoutcast You must first check if the stream is audio mpeg Let s take for example http streamplus40 leonex de 41364 if you open this in a browser you will see that Content Type audio mpeg Waveform Generator With New Canvas Mode After mp3 is loaded the waveform will be generated automatically this will happen only once and then will be saved into the database so further playings of the mp3 will read from the saved generated waveform instantly __ With Old Deprecated Image Mode generate waveforms with an admin panel waveformgenerator php on which you can change color multiplier track locatinon etc flash based generate waveforms for all the mp3s in a folder wavegeneratorfromdir php flash based generate waveform for song mp3 to wavesbg png and wavesprog png static waveform html you can edit that html for different colors names flash based waveformgenerator_html for using the html5 waveform generator html5 based I do not support this at the moment Presentation for the first two method https youtu be WrTSB54oTkI Notes tracks and images are not included in the download package to use commenting system you will need php server youtube will not work as audio on iDevices but as a video due to the platform limitations waveform will be generated automatically but it will need a php server for the saving feature FAQ In the smaller player the circular player on the right hand side of your demo page I would like to be able to make the whole player larger Instead of 100px 100px I would like 500px 500px Where do I change this I ve edited the canvas but it has gone smaller Just edit the 100 width and 100 height in this piece of code and you should be alright line 377 _conPlayPause children playbtn append canvas width 100 height 100 class playbtn-canvas skin_minimal_canvasplay _conPlayPause find playbtn-canvas eq 0 get 0 _conPlayPause children pausebtn append canvas width 100 height 100 class pausebtn-canvas can this does this bind to the audio tags There is no way to bind to the audio tag It will create an audio tag by it s own but I think the format is fairly easy div id apsimple class audioplayer-tobe style width 100 margin-top 0 data-videotitle Audio Video data-type normal data-source sounds adg3 mp3 div class meta-artist span class the-artist Tim McMorris span – It s a beautiful day div div script jQuery document ready function dzsap_init apsimple autoplay off script how to place play and artist on top of wave in skin-wave Just add the class alternate-skin to the audioplayer element where are comments saved In db a href folder make sure permissions are set to 755 rel nofollow folder make sure permissions are set to 755 Comments do not save waveforms do not save For waveform generation also make sure skinwave_comments_enable on skinwave_comments_retrievefromajax on is in the player settings To access the database you will need to have a php server If you already have one then all that zoomsounds needs is the location of publisher php That file handles retrieving and publishing comments waveforms If publisher php is in the same folder as the html just input settings_php_handler publisher php in the player settings Otherwise point to the correct location For waveform generation also make sure pcm_data_try_to_generate on is in the player settings Where i can set play next song automatically in playlist make sure autoplayNext is set to on autoplayNext on in audiogallery settings is there a way to accept MPEG file format audio-only you can have only mp3 as the stream like the example above and it will use the Flash Backup for unsupported browser Credits beautiful tracks by timmcmorris and ADG3studios wavesurfer for wave pcm data Other Awesome Products