Xtreme Fitness HTML Template

Original price was: $18.00.Current price is: $9.00.

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  • 100% Legit and Clean Code : Receive fully legitimate and clean code directly from the original source, ensuring reliability and security for your projects.
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  • High-Quality Scripts : Get high-quality, well-documented scripts tailored to your needs, backed by direct support from the original developers.

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  • Code Delivered in 24 Hours : Receive your code within 24 hours, directly from the original store.
  • 100% Authentic Code : Get 100% genuine code sourced directly from ThemeForest.net and CodeCanyon.net.
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A Introduction top The Xtreme Fitness HTML5 website template is a custom design package that is exclusively made for for GYM Fitness centers It provides the best solution to build the best body and those who are in search of personal training Yoga lessons and online coaching to maintain and build the best of their health and body It has a modern clean creative unique design based on the latest technology It contains Home Page layouts and about page layout and 04 valid HTML5 page templates designs The Xtreme Fitness template features the coded with Bootstrap v4 0 HTML5 CSS3 and unlimited color schemes It s compatible with all modern browsers and search engine friendly So showcase your artworks and services with this awesome template C How to Edit HTML Files top We have included 05 custom HTML templates like Home Page styles about us styles about styles and pricing page style etc Please open any HTML files with a text editor like Dreamweaver Notepad or Notepad and edit any lines what you want D How to Edit CSS Files top We have included some custom CSS styles like style css default Please open any CSS files with a text editor like Dreamweaver Notepad or Notepad and edit any lines what you want For example if you want to edit your banner images open style css and look at banner-con for banner image and change your styles F How to use Color Schemes top Please open style css file from xtreme-fitness assets css folder with a text editor and build your own colors 000000 this is our primary color you can search and replace all to your new color code G How to use On Load Animation top We are wow js on load animation for our website you can edit them by simply adding or changeing the predefined classes name jQuery Files assets js jquery-3 6 0 min js assets js bootstrap min js js popper min js js wow js Photos Enveto Elements Freepik Photos Icons Font-Awesome font Ubuntu G Resources Used top Global Colors Primary 000000 Secondary e13b3b Text 55616d Font Sizes h1 85px h2 65px h3 50px h4 35px h5 30px h6 28px P 18 px Image Links https elements envato com strong-powerlifter-doing-deadlift-a-barbell-in-gym-72SNEGQ preview https elements envato com fitness-gym-8HNE96 https elements envato com healthy-lifestyle-workout-icons-outline-series-WBHJBK preview 2 https elements envato com providing-a-good-guidance-3ZA4HK4 https www freepik com premium-vector outdoor-fitness-icons-set-outline-style_5676098 htm epik dj0yJnU9RS1pNk9lVUdvRkpQOHJ4QXc1UXJxejYxRU5DTE41NUYmcD0wJm49b3BxNHprUlhSNllxUlRLYzdRVW9LdyZ0PUFBQUFBR0lOLVhJ https elements envato com personal-trainer-giving-instructions-in-gym-BJQUPX8 https elements envato com sporty-fit-active-sexy-woman-stretch-sit-legs-spli-PFFMP56 https elements envato com boxing-class-PHUDYGE https elements envato com jolly-sporty-couple-enjoying-time-in-gym-VBGZ4ZP https elements envato com happy-young-woman-fitness-coach-using-mobile-phone-VWWM8SB https elements envato com battle-rope-workout-UC4PDTZ https elements envato com a-man-doing-workouts-on-muscles-of-a-back-on-power-Y399H4K https elements envato com at-the-gym-NKFS6L9 https elements envato com at-the-gym-ZWCQTNY https elements envato com at-the-gym-SCNSBRG https elements envato com portrait-of-young-caucasian-man-with-beard-standin-HF5BH4U 7652QZT https elements envato com young-athletic-confident-woman-fitness-instructor-7652QZT https elements envato com smiling-positive-confident-male-personal-instructo-2QJ7Y3N https elements envato com portrait-of-adult-blonde-fitness-woman-personal-tr-SLYNGBP https elements envato com female-bodybuilder-training-at-the-gym-FNXWR3L https elements envato com never-forget-to-stretch-before-workout-A3SU8HC https elements envato com toning-her-legs-J4BXCAS https elements envato com ready-to-start-lifting-F8N55HV https elements envato com fitness-in-two-REQGEFQ https elements envato com gym-trainer-concept-sport-gym-training-X36DRCG https elements envato com portrait-of-muscular-sporty-smiling-man-in-the-gym-SKGJ3DM https elements envato com portrait-of-active-sport-man-in-sportswear-standin-U8ZMT6M 7652QZT https elements envato com young-athletic-confident-woman-fitness-instructor-7652QZT https elements envato com trainer-helping-woman-do-push-ups-PZA74QF https elements envato com slender-lady-and-strong-man-working-out-in-the-gym-92NUZNB https elements envato com contact-icons-M7M4DG https elements envato com fitness-is-their-lifestyle-CSJ3DX6 https elements envato com beautiful-girl-doing-fitness-exercises-in-gym-DP65F9R https elements envato com young-sporty-couple-using-mobile-phone-in-gym-frie-KNEKMJJ https elements envato com beautiful-girl-wants-to-set-her-new-personal-recor-78LAZ2A https elements envato com happy-young-athletic-people-in-sportswear-giving-h-86RAAYQ Note All images are used for preview purposes only They are not part of the template and hence not included in the final purchase files Once again thank you so much for purchasing this template As I said at the beginning I d be glad to help you if you have any questions relating to this template No guarantees but I ll do my best to assist If you have a more general question relating to the themes and templates on ThemeForest you might consider visiting the forums and asking your question in the Item Discussion section Designing Media Team Go To Table of Contents Once again thank you so much for purchasing this theme As I said at the beginning I d be glad to help you if you have any questions relating to this theme No guarantees but I ll do my best to assist If you have a more general question relating to the themes on ThemeForest you might consider visiting the forums and asking your question in the Item Discussion section Designing Media Team